The Garansek Civic Association, founded on 1 July 2016, is a non-profit organisation, which seeks to save, restore and preserve the Baroque Manor House, one of the historic landmark in Hronsek - a small village in central Slovakia. Naming Garansek is derived from a previous name of Hronsek.

Abandoned manor house, built in 1775, has been left untouched for a couple of years. No maintenance is becoming more and more visible.  Not so recently it served as a kindergarten for local children. A large garden attached to this historically significant building makes this site very special. One of the garden trees is a small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata) >>>, which is 25m (82ft.) high and estimated to be more than 200 years old.



In the last 100 years, several attempts to sell the Baroque Manor House have been unsuccessful due to strong opposition of the locals, because they are really proud of this landmark of theirs. The Hronsek residents are the only property owner - i.e. the object is still in the village ownership.

The residents have always wished the property would remain a part of the village, open to community. Should it end up in the private hands, it might not be accessible to the general public any more. That is, in fact, the very thing the Hronsek residents are being afraid of most of all.

The Garansek Civic Association, as an organisation of local volunteers, reflects all of these concerns and property claims. Nevertheless, the building needs to be protected from further deterioration. With the village population only 654, it is unfeasible to raise enough funding from the residents alone, therefore we are seeking to obtain grants to make necessary repairs and restoration on the deteriorating manor house. 



The Garansek Civic Association organizes various community events such as medical lectures, bus trips, flea markets, ball dance parties and music concerts.  We have now initiated public collection of money, and have begun to address regional proprietors for donations. Any proceeds from these activities will go into the special bank account and will be used for the manor house repair exclusively.

For the sake of transparency, we have made a public list of contributors, available here >>>

Furthermore, we need to find long term sources of funding for maintaining the site preserved.

This site has a high potential for promoting civic welfare by holding the expositions, displays, seminars, musical performances, or by setting it up as a nice stopping place, where tourists might get some rest and refreshment…There are two other historic attractions in Hronsek, one of them is in the World Cultural Heritage List of UNESCO >>> 



We strongly believe this site belongs to the world cultural heritage and we are keen to save it and revive it. We owe a duty to preserve the site to future generations.

By preserving our fathers’ cultural heritage we shall preserve ourselves. Just judge for yourself.


If you'd like to share with us any of your idea or experience on how to further boost our project, feel free to contact us via the CONTACT FORM below. We realize this project is going to be challenging and it will require lots of human and financial resources. We still believe it will finally succeed.

If you wish to provide financial support for this project, there is a unique IBAN account number available >>>. We would appreciate it very much.

Garansek Civic Association